Sabbath Services
July 29, 2020
- 07.18.2020 - Pastor Isreal Jean-Leon - "A Quiz Called Corona"
- 07.25.2020 - Pastor Jocelyn Belizaire - "Here I Am Send Me"
- 08.01.2020 - Dr. Victor Wallen - "Indecent Proposals"
- 08.15.2020 - Dr. Clifford Jones - "What Does God Want From Me?"
- 08.29.2020 - Dr. Nadine Joseph-Collins - "The Weight of Your Purpose"
- 08.22.2020 - Dr. Walter Douglas - "The Assurance of our Salvation, the unchanging reality"
- 09.05.2020 - Oliver Telusma - "Who Do You Serve"
- 09.12.2020 - Dr. Trevor Gardner - "Running Through the Rain: Safe Church Worship"
- 09.19.2020 - Pastor Dolphy Cross - Romans 5:1-10
- 09.26.2020 - Sue-Ellen Anderson Haynes
- 10.03.2020 - Elder Sharon Smallhorn - Matt. 7:12 & Rom. 10:13-17
- 10.10.2020 - Dr Dolphy Cross - 1 Cor. 6:15-20 Stewardship of Body, Mind and Soul
- 10.17.2020 - Pastor Walter Douglas - Acts 3:1-10
- 10.24.2020 - Elder Fitzroy Harewood - Jude 1:24,25 - He Is Able
- 11.07.2020 - Sis. Elsie Cadore-Dorce - John 14:1-3 - Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
- 11.14.2020 - Pastor Dolphy Cross - John 3:14-21
- 11.21.2020 - Elder Naftali Mertale - Rom. 8:37-39 - Before You Even Ask
- 11.28.2020 - Pastor Dolphy Cross - Hebrew 11:1-10
- 12.05.2020 - Elder Fitz Collins - Exodus 14:10-13 - Walking By Faith Not Sight
- 12.12.2020 - Elder Anthony Sebro - Phil. 3:8-14 & Heb. 12:1,2,14 - Press Forward Don't Look Back
- 12.19.2020 - Elder Saintano Damas - Ps. 100:1-5 - To God be the Glory
- 12.26.2020 - Pastor Dolphy Cross - Eph. 4:22-32 - The Paradigm Shift in Nurturing & Fellowship
- 01.09.2021 - Pastor Walter Douglas - John 3:16, 17 - Back to Basics
- 01.16.2021 - Pastor Dolphy Cross - Isa. 44:1-6 - Think and Dream Big for the Lord
- 01.23.2021 - Pastor Samuel Lewin - Matt. 9:35-38 - Christians in Overhauls for Jesus
- 01.30.2021 - Pastor Terrance Browne - Luke 10:25-28 - The Bloody Way
- 02.06.2021 - Pastor Dolphy Cress - Rom. 6:9-14 - The Blessings of Forgiveness
- 02.13.2021 - Dr. Trevor Gardner - Jeremiah 2:1-9 - The Voices of Jeremiah, Isaiah & Daniel Today